Looking for a Dutch omabike, a vintage bike or another citybike in Vienna? Or a bicycle workshop? Then Stadtradler is the place for you!
Our store hours are Tue - Fri 14:00 - 19:00 and Sat 10:00 - 15:00, at Karlsgasse 16, 1040 Wien, phone: +43 (0)664 3401568.
At Stadtradler we believe a bicycle to be a statement, a way of life, an extension of your personality. But also in the fact that if you use a bicycle in the city, your bicycle should be there for you: pleasing the eye, ready to use, comfortable, reliable and functional. Therefore we have combined all this in a unique assortment of citybicycles and accessories for the urban traveller.
Stadtradler is run by a Dutchman who has been living and cycling in Vienna for the past 25 years, and feels Austria is ready for a citybicycle-specialist who offers all of the above! Here you'll find the media coverage on Stadtradler.