There is a correct bicycle frame size for everyone. Many people, especially tall people, use a bike with a too small frame size, and therefore unfortunately are not able to fully appreciate the joy of cycling.
The most important dimension for a proper cycling position is the distance between saddle and pedal, which should match the length of the leg of the rider. To ride comfortably and efficiently, the leg should be almost completely, but not quite stretched out when the leg is in the lowest position while pedaling. The tables below show the ideal frame heights for women and men assuming average body proportions (the frame height is defined as the distance between the middle of the bottom bracket and the upper edge of the seat tube). In the case of a suspension saddle stem choose the smaller frame height, since a suspension stem needs more space than a classic saddle stem!
Wheel size 28" Body height |
Women |
Men |
2.00 - 2.10 m | 73 cm | |
1.90 - 2.00 m | 65 cm | 65 cm |
1.82 - 1.90 m | 61 cm | 61 cm |
1.80 - 1.82 m | 61 cm | 57 cm |
1.72 - 1.80 m | 57 cm | 57 cm |
1.65 - 1.72 m | 53 cm | 53 cm |
1.55 - 1.65 m | 49 cm | 49 cm |
Clothing size |
Wheel size |
9 - 12 years | 146 - 158 | 26" |
7 - 10 years | 134 - 140 | 24" |
6 - 8 years | 128 - 134 | 24" |
5 - 7 years | 122 - 128 | 20" |
4 - 6 years | 116 - 122 | 20" |
3 - 5 years | 104 - 110 | 16" |
2 - 4 years | 92 - 98 | 12" |
Finding the right bike is like finding the right shoes: the proof of the pudding is in the eating! Stadtradler absolutely recommends
that you try out the bike before you buy. Many frame types not only differ in frame height, but also in other important dimensions like
distance between saddle and handle bars, angle of the front fork, etc. Moreover, despite our beautiful tables, many feel more comfortable
riding a larger or smaller frame than indicated. So please visit Stadtradler for a test spin! We have bikes with frame sizes up to 73cm.
You can find general tips for buying a city bike in our Citybike Buying Guide.